Do I Really Need To Book A Consultation?

The most common assumption our incoming clients make is that they don’t need a consultation to successfully launch their products. We get it. A consultation, on the surface, may seem like a waste of time or money… You’d rather skip ahead and get a move on with your project. However, skipping a consultation may hurt you rather than benefit you! Here are some reasons we love the concept of a consultation and why you should consider booking one:

1. A consultation provides an equal opportunity for participation (on both ends!)

Without seeing the details of your project, we will not be able to provide you with information specific to that project. This includes information regarding our services, timelines, and costs. Even a short phone call or description of your project will not take the place of a dedicated one-on-one strategy session. We care about your success and your project’s individual path. We want to ensure that we can give you the proper time and energy that your project deserves! Consultations help us do this.

In a consultation, we sit down with you to discuss your project in greater detail. You’ll walk away from every consultation with a recap, reviewing what we discussed. You’ll also walk away with a roadmap, telling you the tasks you need to complete next and the timeframe in which you need to complete them. 

A consultation also provides us a space to collaborate with you. We want to hear your ideas and thoughts and vice versa! We want to share our thoughts, ideas, and years of design and industry experience with you. Our consultations provide a safe, comfortable space for our clients to discuss their projects with us without feeling the pressure of a time constraint. We want to explore the vast possibilities of your project so, in turn, you can see the vast possibilities for your dreams!

2. Frequent engagement with your design team will help you stay on schedule and make smarter decisions

We are working in a high-speed society that demands what they want within a short amount of time. Our clients are more likely to have a successful launch if they work alongside this high-speed society rather than against it. That’s why we recommend booking more than 1 consultation throughout your design journey. We want to make sure that every need is being met and every question is being answered. Only then will you be able to make the best decisions for your project. We are passionate about making sure you are aware of all of your options!

3. The more diversity in ideas, the more sound your product will be

Like we’ve mentioned before, we want to share our thoughts and ideas with you! In every consultation, you’ll be sitting down with an industry expert who may have a different opinion or perspective than you. There is more than 1 way to solve every problem. MFP wants to collaborate with you so you can find the best solution for your project. As a result, you’ll be able to offer high quality, tried-and-tested products to your customers!

4. Consultations give you more ownership over your project

Consultations keep you involved throughout your design journey. Every decision that needs to be made for your project will ultimately be yours. We’ve mentioned again and again that we want hear your thoughts and ideas…but we haven’t mentioned that we also welcome your concerns! We won’t move forward in your design journey until we have your thumbs up. Consultations ensure that your final product reflects your brand’s identity, values, and mission.

So, do you really need to sit down in a consultation with us? Of course, we think so! But what about you?

Read about our consultation types or book your first (or maybe your 2nd or 3rd!) consultation here. Or call us at 517-367-7066.